Friday, May 8, 2009

Some relationships are meant to break up.

Some relationships are meant to break up. We all assume that when two people come together and say to one another, ‘I want to share this journey with you’, they will be together for life. But my personal observation of this, is not so.

I use a simple illustration of two of my former students who were known at the school as best friends. For over two years they are always seen together, and they appear to share a common bond. Lecturers and students took it for granted that when you saw one, you will inevitable see the other. One would speak her mind at any given moment, in a candid manner that illustrates her strong sense confidence and agency. The other appears more at ease ‘being’ rather than ‘saying’. Yet the other, as I observe, did not overtly take the effort to discover anything beyond the immediate. But last year everyone noticed that these two very close friends were not very close any more. Long story short, they went their separate ways. Many of us tried to explain the break up in our own ways. Some said the one took something from the other, some said the one was very clingy and did not allow the other to do things on her own.

Now almost a year later as I see them both separately in my office, I see something positive about both of them. The one who was outspoken has continued her journey and will undoubtedly develop into a strong and formidable individual in her own right. And the other, who was ‘seen but not always heard from’ has since begun to discover newer interests and has since developed a wonderful ability to express her creativity in her chosen art. She speaks her mind not in the conventional manner of speech but through visual imageries. I am pleased to see that like her friend she too will leave the university having discovered her sense of voice and is now ready to develop her identity in a more positive manner, not as attached to another but as a person in her own right.

Some relationships are meant to break up, for the good of all. These two ladies will now have a chance to give more of themselves to themselves and to the world at large without anyone feeling the discomfort of being.

1 comment:

Robin Wong said...

well, human beings are very complex, in both psychology and emotional aspects, creatures. one would never know what is in the other mind, regardless how close they are. Ultimately, the stronger one would be able to influence the weaker one in certain ways. And, once the weaker one feels that he is strong enough to stand on his own, he will, of course, try to be the stronger one. And, when he is the stronger one, he will be able to see what is really his needs and what is his stand.