Friday, June 27, 2008

Father (first published in NST)

i went to my father
and told him,
'i would like to be married.'

first he went quiet
and that got me worried.
oh dear, thought i
perhaps he thinks me
too young
or that i should complete
my education
or that my sister has to
marry first
or that we could not
afford a marriage

almost a full minute later
with all seriousness
he uttered
thursday suit you?'

(in memory of those who have helped me laugh back at life.)

Red Flowers green leaves

you've coloured it green!

green flowers and
green leaves -
how can that be?

green flowers on a
white plane -
how is that possible?
now its black -
no, no, that's not the way!
can you not see?
that not the way
it should be.
there are colours for flowers
and different ones
for the leaves;
you can't go changing them
in the name of creativity.
you have to respect us
who have to view them.
imagination is
god's gift to a child
for developing maturity;
you and i cannot retain
such imprudence,
not if you expect us
to live with it -
no sir, keep them red
as they were meant to be!

that capture
the moment
that paints
the image
that bears
the memory
that holds
the thought
that broke
the barrier
that held
the Man